Beekeeping > Equipment Sizes > Frames

Frame Sizes

British Standard National beehive frames come in various sizes, designed for different purposes within the hive. The most common sizes are:

  1. Standard Deep (Brood) Frame: These frames are used in the brood box where the queen lays eggs and the young bees are raised. The typical dimensions of a Standard Deep frame are approximately 14 inches (356 mm) wide and 8.5 inches (216 mm) deep.

  2. Shallow (Super) Frame: Shallow frames are used in the honey super, the part of the hive where honey is stored. These frames are shorter in depth than the brood frames, allowing for easier honey extraction. The typical size is about 14 inches (356 mm) wide and 5.5 inches (140 mm) deep.

  3. 14x12 Frame: This is an enlarged brood frame, often used by beekeepers who want to give the queen more space to lay and reduce swarming. It measures 14 inches (356 mm) wide and approximately 12 inches (305 mm) deep.

  4. Dadant Frame: Although not a British Standard size, some British beekeepers use Dadant frames, especially in brood boxes for larger colonies. These are larger than the standard deep frame.

  5. Manley Frame: Named after its inventor, this is a variant of the shallow frame with thicker side bars, making it more durable for honey extraction. The dimensions are similar to the shallow frame.

These dimensions are typical and can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. The compatibility of frames and hive boxes is crucial, so it's essential for beekeepers to ensure that their equipment matches the standard they are using.

Langstroth boxes/frames are less common in the UK but are the most popular worldwide. Named after their inventor Lorenzo Langstroth, they come in three primary sizes, each designed for different parts of the hive. The standard dimensions for these frames are as follows:

  1. Deep Frame:

    1. Width: Approximately 19 inches (483 mm)
    2. Depth: Approximately 9 1/8 inches (232 mm)
    3. Used in the brood chamber where the queen lays eggs and young bees are raised.
  2. Medium (or Illinois) Frame:

    • Width: Approximately 19 inches (483 mm)
    • Depth: Approximately 6 1/4 inches (159 mm)
    • Often used in honey supers for honey production. They are lighter and easier to handle when full of honey compared to deep frames.
  3. Shallow Frame:

    • Width: Approximately 19 inches (483 mm)
    • Depth: Approximately 5 3/8 inches (137 mm)
    • Also used in honey supers, especially for comb honey production, as they are even lighter than medium frames.

All these frames are designed to fit within a standard Langstroth hive body or super. The width of the frames is consistent across all sizes, ensuring they fit the width of the hive boxes. The depth varies, providing flexibility for different beekeeping practices and purposes.

It's important to note that while these are standard sizes, slight variations may exist among manufacturers, so beekeepers should always check the specifications of their equipment to ensure compatibility.