Beekeeping > Treatments > Formic Acid

Formic Acid Treatment

There are several treatments based on Formic Acid such as Formic Pro and MAQ's (Mite Away Quick strips).

How much does Formic Pro and MAQ's cost?

MAQ's isn't currently available in the UK after NOD the manufacturers of MAQ's stopped supplying UK distributors.

  • Thorne - £63.00 (pack of 20 strips, 10 doses)
  • Andermatt Garden - £59.99 (pack of 20 strips, 10 doses)
  • Paynes - £63.00 (pack of 20 strips, 10 doses)
  • Beekeeping Supplies UK - £19.85 (pack of 4 strips, 2 doses)
  • Mantel Farm - £17.90 (pack of 4 strips, 2 doses)

To use Formicpro strips effectively in bee hives, follow these revised instructions:

Positioning of Strips

Lay the strips flat across the frames in the brood area, ensuring they span across the majority of the brood nest. Use two strips regardless of whether the hive has a single or double brood setup. In the case of double brood, position the strips atop the frames in the lower box. Ensure no honey supers are present or remove them before starting treatment.

Appropriate Conditions for Application

Apply Formicpro strips only when the temperature ranges between 10°C and 29.5°C. It's important to choose a period with at least three consecutive dry days. Do not apply the strips when honey supers are attached to the hive. The colony should have a minimum strength of 10,000 bees or possess 6 frames of robust brood. Adequate ventilation is critical, so keep the hive entrance fully open.

Duration of Treatment

Leave the strips inside the hive for a period of 7 days. The majority of the chemical release occurs within the first 3 to 4 days. After the 7-day period, remove the strips before reattaching any honey supers. It's normal to observe some initial brood and bee loss, particularly of the youngest uncapped brood, in the first four days. A pause in brood production lasting about three days is typical, but an increase in egg-laying is often seen by the 14th day after treatment. Monitoring mite levels both before and after treatment is advisable.

Shelf Life

Formicpro strips have a long shelf life of up to 24 months, making them a convenient option even if not all strips in a pack are needed immediately.

These guidelines are designed to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment while ensuring the safety and health of the bee colony.

Further Information

Chris Manton (X/Twitter) - Chris's shares some great information in his tweets and has done a few videos showing how he got on with Formic Pro.

Peter Cowin (Youtube) - Peter is an Englishman living in the USA, he has made multiple videos of him using Formic Pro on his bees including this one.