Beekeeping > Varroa Treatments

Varroa Treatments for Bees

Make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully for each treatment and that you do so in a safe manner for yourself any anyone else nearby. In the UK you can only use approved treatments from the VMD and you must keep a record of any medicines that have been administered to your bees for a minimum period of 5 years.
It's essential to rotate treatments to prevent varroa mites from developing resistance to specific treatments.

InstantVap - A popular Oxalic acid vaporiser.

ApiVar Strips - Strips containing Amitraz which paralyzes the varroa mite causing it to fall off the bees.

ApiGuard - A Thymol based treatment for reducing varroa numbers.

Formic Acid - FormicPro and MAQ's both use formic acid.

Small cell foundation - Seen by some people as a varroa solution to enable them to be treatment free.